本文摘要:泉源:英语世界AbbreviationsPeople are often unsure about how to write abbreviations. The main areas of uncertainty are:人们经常不知道该如何使用缩写,不确定的方面主要是:whether to write abbreviations with capital letters是否该用大写字母写缩写词whether to use full stops是否要加上英文句点(.)wh



泉源:英语世界AbbreviationsPeople are often unsure about how to write abbreviations. The main areas of uncertainty are:人们经常不知道该如何使用缩写,不确定的方面主要是:whether to write abbreviations with capital letters是否该用大写字母写缩写词whether to use full stops是否要加上英文句点(.)when to use apostrophes.什么时候用撇号(')Here’s a quick-reference guide to help you get it right.本文为您提供快速参考指南,资助您正确使用。There are several kinds of abbreviation: the way an abbreviation is written usually depends on the category to which it belongs. The categories are listed below –英文中有几种缩写形式,而差别的方式通常取决于词汇所属的领域。分类如下——AcronymsAcronyms are words formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as they are spelled, not as separate letters. Examples include:acronym(首字母缩略词)指由其他单词首字母组成的单词,根据拼写方式发音,而不是每个字母单独发音。例如:aronymfull formAids艾滋病acquired immune deficiency syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合征NATO北约North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋条约组织UNESCO团结国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization团结国教育、科学和文化组织SIM (card)SIM卡subscriber identification moduleSIM卡/用户身份识别卡 Most acronyms can be written as capital letters or with only an initial capital letter.大多数acronym可以用大写字母,或仅仅第一个字母大写。

Some acronyms are so established that they are now ‘normal’ words, generally used without conscious awareness of their original full form. These words should be written in lower-case letters. Examples include:有些acronym很是成熟,现在都是看着很“正常”的词汇,通凡人们意识不到它们原来的完整形式。这些词应该用小写字母,例如: aronymfull formlaser激光light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光/受激辐射光放大radar雷达radio detection and ranging无线电探测与测距quango半官方机构quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization准自主非政府组织scuba水肺self-contained underwater breathing apparatus自给式水下呼吸器ContractionsContractions are a type of abbreviation in which letters from the middle of the word are omitted. Examples include:contraction(缩写词)也是一种缩写形式,省略了单词中间的字母。例如: contractionfull formDrDoctor医生/博士StSaint圣人LtdLimited有限公司RevdReverend教士/牧师 A contraction can also be an abbreviated form of more than one word, for example:contraction也可以由两个单词形成,例如:contractionfull formI'llI will / I shallwe'vewe haveshouldn'tshould not You do not need to use a full stop at the end of contractions, because the last letter of the original word is still present.无需在contraction后使用句点,因为原始单词的最后一个字母还保留着。In contractions that。

